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How To Win All Your Arguments

How To Win All Your Arguments

Jun 02, 2022

I'm going to shine your mind on how to win your arguments. You'll win all your arguments after this blog, and I have three tips for you to win all your arguments. Don't you want to win all your arguments? Don't you want to feel like yeah, knockdown, game over, I win! Don't you want to say that? Yes, you do. I know. So, we will talk about it, and I will explain why winning an argument is a mindset game.

Let's define what an argument is. You argue with people because you don't have an agreement. You disagree. Why do you disagree? Because you have different opinions. Why do you have different opinions? Because you have different beliefs. Why do you have different beliefs? Because you have different thinking. I can go further, but I won't.

I am going to start with a different belief right here. So, because we have different beliefs and programming in our minds when we get together, when we share information, when we exchange information, you might have disagreements. It is pretty normal.

What is not normal is that you find yourself in a very heated hot argument, where you find yourself attacking the other individual in front of you, feeling the blood going up to your brain. The physiological reaction you feel in your body is not good.

I have powerful tips to help you with your arguments, and we will make them simple. We will look at arguments to exchange ideas, and I have three tips for you.



1. Tell Them This Magical Sentence: "Oh, you're right."

You're just going to tell them they are right. Because your brain, your amygdala, wants you to Survive. Your amygdala protects you. It's like your soldier in your castle, and that soldier seeks to defend your opinions, beliefs, ideas, communications, sentences, and arguments. You got the idea.

When you tell somebody you are right, guess what's happening? You are becoming friends with the soldier. You're like hugging the soldier; hey, dear soldier! You know, you have beautiful eyes today. That's how it sounds like, and that's how it feels like for the other person, and that's why you want to tell them you are right. And watch how fast they are going to put their guards down.


2. Use Sandwich Model: Positive + And + Positive 

Why do you need to know about the sandwich model? Because you want to share your arguments deliciously and end your sentences deliciously, like putting a cherry on top of the cake, right? And it is down through the sandwich model. So, what is the sandwich model?
It is like a sandwich as you have your message, the meat right in the middle. So, that's what you do you start saying something nice, something positive.

When you have this sandwich and start with positive, you end with positive; guess what happens? You end deliciously, and the other person, when you are arguing with them, they don't feel that you are attacking them because you're not attacking and invalidating them. You are actually validating them.

I'm going to keep it very, very simple for you here. I hear what you're saying, and I wonder if there is an even greater idea. So, what am I saying? I hear what you're saying is the validation, and that's why you start with the validation in the sandwich model. Why? You talk to my dear soldier again, and that soldier feels so good, smooth, and that's why you do that, and that's why this one will get you a lot of winning.

Here is another example of the sandwich model, you have your bun at the top and another bun at the bottom. They both need to be positive, and you will give your message right in the middle.
Oh, I like your perspective; it is pretty interesting "and" you must use "and" because if you've used a "but" it deletes the previous sentence; you do not want to do that. And it just made me so excited about another idea. So, what do you think about that? Boom!

You know, so you're taking them your way very subtly. You're like, okay, I got you, and I hear you. It's lovely and brilliant, and it just made me excited about another idea. What do you think about that? Isn't that an even greater idea? So, you're taking them where they are and directing them in your own direction. You got me!

3. Ask This Question: "What else?" 

When you ask this question of what else, you are directing their mind, focus, and attention to go into different mental files and other ways of thinking by connecting their neurons in different ways. At the end of the day, they tell you something they generated from their factory, their brain, and why is that important? Because they created it, they will own it. And you are the one who asked them to come up with another idea. So, you win!

You see, my friends. So, whatever happens, use these three tips. I'm telling you you'll win all your arguments and feel galactic about yourself.


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